• The Helpter mountains seen from Helpt

The Brohmer & Helpter Berge

Gentle hills, streams, forest growth: The Brohmer & Helpter Berge not far from the Baltic Sea and Szczecin Haff inspire with their calming idyll, especially nature fans and active relaxation seekers.

The Brohmer mountains

The gentle hills were created as the end moraine train about 13,700 years ago. Today the landscape shape many small source streams, can sink and lake, such as the Galenbecker See or the Schönhauser See. The surveys are almost completely forested. The most common tree species here is the beech. Birch and black trees are increasingly in the lowering. Rare animal species such as the deer beetle, the herobock, the red abdomen or the ridge newt are located in the hill and forest landscape. You can also watch representatives from the wild types of red, black and roe deer from time to time.

Birds also find a safe and well protected place. The mountain landscape is part of the European bird sanctuary. In the area of ​​the Brohmer mountains you can also explore many interesting towns. How about a bike tour along idyllic places like Woldegk, Strasburg, Rothemühl or Schwichtenberg?

The helpers mountains

Record -breaking! At 179.5 meters, the Helpter Berge are considered the highest elevation in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Ideal needs for a relaxed hike with the whole family. Even a summit book is waiting for an entry after a successful hill stage. The climb is signposted.

Incidentally, the end moraines from the Pomeran stage of the Vistula ice cream are named after the village of Helpt, which is located on the northern slope. Also worth seeing is the Findling of Mildenitz, which can be found on the edge of the Helpter Forest, as well as the helpers of Buchenhallen and the spring meadow at the foot of the Helpter Berg. There is also the linden tree-the only river that rises in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and flows.

Excursion destinations and sights around the Brohmer & Helpter Berge

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