Gristow is located on the edge of the Greifswald Boddens near the University and Hanseatic City of Greifswald. With its wide meadows and coasts, the natural environment is originally and an extremely attractive vacation experience for resting people.
The village of Gristow lies on a bay of the Greifswald Bodden, which is said to have been created by a storm surge around 1298. The Gristower Wieck was created from a small river or stream and the trade route, which led from Greifswald via Neuenkirchen-Wampen and Karrendorf-Fraetow, was interrupted.
The village of Gristow itself was first mentioned in 1248. It was a small Slavic Angerdorf that developed into a small commercial and fishing village due to its good location.
Today you can fortify yourself at the port of Gristow with a delicious fish roll or other dishes in the rustic fish restaurant. On the way there you can marvel at the Gothic village church with a short racing. It was built in the 14th century and supplemented with a neo -Gothic tower from the 19th century - a beauty like nature around it. The tower can be climbed and offers a fantastic view to Rügen, Greifswald and Stralsund .