• Two rowing boats are half ashore and half in the water. One is blue, the rear is white-red. In the background reeds and water.

Riether Winkel

The Riether Winkel denotes the northeastern region of Germany and the landscape on Lake Neuwarper, a bay of the Szczecin Haff. Here all those seeking relaxation get their money's worth near water, forest and meadows.

Blessed calm, almost endless expanses and untouched natural variety are attributes that describe this region. Guided hikes through forest and meadows as well as high are offered here. Dreamy fishing villages, such as Altwarp or Rieth, offer connoisseurs and nature lovers the vacation you want. views of the islands of Usedom and Wollin in this region.

Land vacation on the water

With his concept "Pausing in Riether Winkel - Experience the northeastern villages of Germany with all your senses", the Riether Winkel is also one of the winners of the "Landart MV - Best Networks for Land Urub V leaves". A popular destination in the area are the old Warper Binn dunes. The nature reserve with its neighboring Wachadertal is definitely worth a visit. On the water you can discover new perspectives and get an idea of ​​the region for yourself. Round tours on the Neuwarper See and the Stettiner Haff are offered in selected locations. For example, how about a trip to our neighboring country Poland? You can book pendulum trips from Altwarp to Neuwarp and back directly on site.

Excursion destinations and sights in Riether Winkel

More places in the Stettiner Haff

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